I Have added New Field in Tables:
5740 Transfer Header
5744 Transfer Shipment Header
5746 Transfer Receipt Header
When User Create an Transfer it will be saved at ONInsert Trigger.
But where must i insert/edit Code so that when a user makes Shipment that his USERID will saved in Table 5744 and when he takes the Receipt.
I have tried in Tables 5744 and 5746 in the OnInsert Trigger , but it does not save the User ID
Now i think perhaps it is not possible make it so and i must modify any codeunit where the Header is Trasfered to the Table 5744 or 5746.
eg. In codeunit 5704 you find this code:
Here you could add your new fields.
Yes in that CU i hav tried insert my code :
but ...
if it says me that i have no Rights to Table "Item Entry Relation" is impossible save it new Info like Userid?
I have tried now remove the:
TableData Item Entry Relation=i
then i can save the Codeunit with Changes, but after do this i cannot set the new Permissions , then it say me that i have no rights :P
I must not understand this
MVP - Dynamics NAV