I'm trying to import into the Item Identifier table (7704). I created an excel export template using the Configuration Template. I populated the template with the "Code" and the Item No.
The file imports just fine. However, when I apply the data, nothing imports. I get an error stating:
"Item No. must have a value in Item Identifier: Code = xxx. It cannot be zero or empty. Field caption - Code
Where xxx is my upc number. My item no. and code are 100% filled out.
I don't know what is wrong. I use Rapid Start all the time without issues, but for some reason, I can't import the Item Identifiers.
Has anyone seen this before? I've tried importing using a Configuration Worksheet and as part of a package with the item table. I can hand enter data just fine.
Hi. Sometimes when the data load causes an iterative loop nothing will work. I had a similar issue with an item table where data loaded into data migration / rapid start fine but I could not apply to the table. Even removing data validation (tick box) on the relevant fields did not resolve the issue.
My work around was using a dataport (a new one) which by default has no code and is therefore useful for getting data in without validation. Not ideal but useful in these specific instances.
Thanks for the reply. I'm still a bit new to the NAV world and I haven't created a dataport just yet. I will look into it.
My client will be importing items constantly, so I may have to use a dataport if the package doesn't work.