I want to print the field Customer Cost Center Description on a report. (in Table Customer Cost Center)
Customer Cost Center is a table I want to link to the Sales Header.
In the table Sales Header there is a column 'Customer Cost Center'
I've put this code in C/AL Sales Header - OnAfterGetRecord
CustomerCostCenter.GET("Sales Header"."Customer Cost Center");
In the C/AL Globals added 'CustomerCostCenter' Record subtype: Customer Cost Center
In the Dataset designer added a column CustomerCostCenter."Description"
In Visual Studio added the field CustomerCostCenter."Description"
When I want to print the report I get this error:
The Customer Cost Center does not exist. Identification fields and values: Customer No.='TEST 2',Customer Cost Center=''
'TEST 2' is the Customer Cost Center in the Sales Header
What is going wrong?
Best Regards,
Unless is it working I am wondering if this is the right way.
NAV 7.1