The best way to create automated NAVreport with excel export

Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 568
How a NAV report can be run automatically with automatic export to excel feature in 2009 classic.

The report need to be scheduled and that report must export to excel.

United Kingdom


  • postsauravpostsaurav Member Posts: 708

    There are two things that you need to do -

    1. Setup NAS for Automatic execution of the Report. You can refer some article under section - NAS AND JOB QUEUE in below link.

    Once the NAS is setup and Job Queue Start Running you need to work on second part.

    2. Export to Excel Reports have pop up for showing the progress of Export. These Pop up comes from Table 370 Excel Buffer. You Should block these pop ups based on some condition. Any Pop up windows are not supported by NAS like - Message, Error, Window..

    Hope you understand what I meant. Let me know if still any doubts.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Saurav Dhyani

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  • Bili_PitonBili_Piton Member Posts: 1
    Hello !

    Report logic should be transfered in SQL View. EXCEL can be directly connected to SQL database (View) and started via scheduler.
    But in my opinion it would be better and easier to use various bi tools for Dynamics NAV. There are a lot of good products in the market i personally use BIView solutions i found it easy to use and SME affordable. \:D/
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