Navision and Telephone Integration

vsudhivsudhi Member Posts: 2
Hi Everyone,

Did anyone integrated Navision with Telephone?
I know we can use Navision to make call to outside by press the little Icon on the Customer card or on Contact Card.

I'm trying to integrate Navision for incoming calls.
For example when a Contact call, Navision should able to search on incoming Telephone No. and bring up the Contact Details for user.
It is something like Call Centre or Customer Services who want this functionality.

If anyone has integrated, please let me know.

With Regards,


  • janpieterjanpieter Member Posts: 298
    You have to use TAPI (Telephone Aplication Programming Interface).

    I think you find tons of info searching for TAPI on this or other forums. The possiblities rely a littlebit on your telephone switchboard i think you can get info from the manufacturer.
    In a world without Borders or Fences, who needs Windows and Gates?
  • Hi!
    janpieter wrote:
    You have to use TAPI (Telephone Aplication Programming Interface).

    I think you find tons of info searching for TAPI on this or other forums.
    Searching for the keyword "tapi" isn't really helpful. :-( I guess I can place calls by using the 'Microsoft TAPI 3.0 Type Library'. But of course I'm searching for an easy way. ;-)

    Searching the web hadn't helped a lot either. I guess I'm using the wrong keywords? I only found a commercial software that provides TAPI integration into Navision but I think that its oversized for simply placing a call ;-)

    Does Navision (we are using 3.70) have an easy way to do that? Or do I have to use the automation control I mentioned above?

    Thank you!

  • PWoltersPWolters Member Posts: 8
    I'm using the famous piece of software called DAVID from the German Softwarehause TOBIT ( from which TelephonyIntegration works very well. Look at their Homepage and decide whether you want to introduce this software. Afterwards I'll tell you what to do next.

    Have a nice day

  • Hi!

    I know David (some our customers use it) but I wanted to do it without to not depend on too much external solutions.

  • David_LivingstonDavid_Livingston Member Posts: 1
    TeleVantage is a Microsoft based PBX system that is TAPI and MAPI compliant. We are trying to do a screen pop in Navision for incoming calls now. If anyone has suggestions please let me know. If we get this to work I'll make note of how.
  • Hi!

    We now found an interesting application called PhoneSuite.

    It does not only provide an alternate TAPI for our PBX (Asterisk) but does also allow actions on incoming calls. We set up actions based on Navision-hyperlinks ([url=navision://client/run?database=..]navision://client/run?database=..[/url].) That seems to work.

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