OBJECT Page 91000 Main Page { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=22-07-15; Time=14:53:39; Modified=Yes; Version List=; } PROPERTIES { Editable=No; SourceTable=Table2000000026; SourceTableView=WHERE(Number=FILTER(1..5)); PageType=List; ActionList=ACTIONS { { 1160180004; ;ActionContainer; ActionContainerType=ActionItems } { 1160180005;1 ;Action ; Name=Count Sub Page as Group; OnAction=VAR integer@1160180000 : Record 2000000026; BEGIN CurrPage.SubPageAsGroup.PAGE.GetRecords(integer); MESSAGE('Main Page Count: %1',integer.COUNT); END; } { 1160180009;1 ;Action ; Name=Count Sub Page as FactBox; OnAction=VAR integer@1160180000 : Record 2000000026; BEGIN CurrPage.SubPageAsFactBox.PAGE.GetRecords(integer); MESSAGE('Main Page Count: %1',integer.COUNT); END; } } } CONTROLS { { 1160180000;0;Container; ContainerType=ContentArea } { 1160180001;1;Group ; Name=Group; GroupType=Repeater } { 1160180002;2;Field ; SourceExpr=Number } { 1160180006;1;Group ; GroupType=Group } { 1160180008;2;Part ; Name=SubPageAsGroup; PagePartID=Page91001; PartType=Page } { 1160180007;0;Container; ContainerType=FactBoxArea } { 1160180003;1;Part ; Name=SubPageAsFactBox; PagePartID=Page91001; PartType=Page } } CODE { BEGIN END. } } OBJECT Page 91001 Sub Page { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=22-07-15; Time=14:47:09; Modified=Yes; Version List=; } PROPERTIES { Editable=No; SourceTable=Table2000000026; SourceTableView=WHERE(Number=FILTER(1..5)); PageType=ListPart; OnAfterGetCurrRecord=BEGIN // bug fix // https://community.dynamics.com/nav/b/vikosnavblog/archive/2014/09/04/bug-in-nav-2013-r2-preventing-correct-execution-of-getrecord-setselectionfilter-and-it-39-s-workaround END; ActionList=ACTIONS { { 1160180003; ;ActionContainer; ActionContainerType=ActionItems } { 1160180004;1 ;Action ; Name=Sub Page Count; OnAction=VAR integer@1160180000 : Record 2000000026; BEGIN GetRecords(integer); END; } } } CONTROLS { { 1160180000;0;Container; ContainerType=ContentArea } { 1160180001;1;Group ; Name=Group; GroupType=Repeater } { 1160180002;2;Field ; SourceExpr=Number } } CODE { PROCEDURE GetRecords@1160180000(VAR _integer@1160180000 : Record 2000000026); BEGIN CurrPage.SETSELECTIONFILTER(_integer); MESSAGE('Sub Page Count: %1',_integer.COUNT); END; BEGIN END. } }What you will see are a main page and two sub pages which are actually the same page (91001). Only difference is that one is a sub page and the other is a fact box.