How to decompress BLOB data from c# for a Navision 2009R2 DB

mheijkantmheijkant Member Posts: 14
Has anyone found out what kind of compression Navision uses on blobs in Navision versions from 2009R2 downwards.

Saw an article on it that's only applicable to 2013 and above ... revisited/

In this article its explaned to do the following:
In the case of these metadata fields, the NAV Compressed Blob-Type magic number is 0x02457d5b (hex).
In order to use the standard .Net DeflateStream to Decompress,
just throw away those first four magic-number bytes and then process the rest of the stream with DeflateStream as usual.

So for Navision 2013 this works fine.
Looking at BLOB fields from within SQL, the NAV 2009R2 Compressed Blob-Type magic number is 0x01447C5A (hex).
But using the same decompression code with these "magic numbers" doesn't seem to work.

Searching for it for a while and it looks like its something of a company secret.
By the way, I dont want to change the navision blob compression property to No.

Who can help me solve this riddle.
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