
Parallel scheduling of tools in production order

esbarrettesbarrett Member Posts: 5
edited 2015-07-16 in NAV Three Tier
Is anyone able to provide any guidance regarding how to parallel schedule tools in a production order so that they are considered in the planning process?
For example;
A specific mould is required for a manufacturing operation.
Only 1 mould exists for this specific operation; therefore if two separate production orders (each quantity 1) are required for this production item, then only one item can be produced at a time.
I have tried setting the mould up as a machine centre (also setup as a constrained resource) - and then parallel scheduling the mould machine centre alongside the person machine centre (also a constrained resource) - the intent being that each production item needs the person and the mould at the same time.
The problem I experienced with this setup is that the parallel operations on one of the two production orders scheduled the production person to start at one time and the mould to start at another time.
Any feedback is much appreciated.


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    esbarrettesbarrett Member Posts: 5
    After much more testing I have concluded that parallel scheduling is probably best avoided.
    No matter what I tried I couldn't get two identical work orders to start and finish at the same time - even though there were two capacities for every operation.
    Back to serial routings and possible a customisation to handle the scheduling of tools.
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