After hours and hours of trying to figure it out..... ](*,)
When you install NAS for 4.0, it puts 2 services in there, one for CLASSIC and one for SQL. The installer puts the machine name in here and you can change this. Let's call them NAS-CLASSIC and NAS-SQL. There is nothing wrong with the CLASSIC one, you can modify all the settings there.
The problem is with the SQL NAS, because the nettype property does not show the available values. Unfortunately, the installer sets the default value to tcps (secure tcp, or kerberos). Unfortunate, because that simply does not work with Navision.
Here's what you do:
* Open a command prompt and browse to the application server installation folder (The default folder is "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Application Server")
* type in "nassql appservername="NAS-SQL",uninstallasservice". This removes the service called NAS-SQL, which is useless anyway because of the wrong nettype setting.
* then, type in "nassql appservername="NAS-SQL",nettype=tcp,installasservice". This now creates a new service with the original name (so your NAS installation will still work), but with the correct nettype. Note that you can also do nettype=netb if that's necessary.
Now... when you open the NAS management console, you will still not see the nettype in the NAS-SQL one, but it should be set with the correct value. All other properties can be modified as needed.
Hope this helps. I'm sure happy that I got it to work now \:D/
MVP - Dynamics NAV
{ Intuitively wrong... {
Thanks Kine, why didn't you tell me before I had all these problems? :whistle:
It is simple... because I did not know about it... :-) after I saw some webcast last week, I saw that the demonstrator was changing the parameter directly through snap-in...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Yes. It is corrected in SP1.
SP1 will comes at september/october/november depends on country group.
You can change nettype in installation line (as you've shown), but easer is to change it in windows registry. I don't remember right way to NAS registry, but you'll find if you want. There will be key nettype and you can change it.
I just changed all the settings directly in the registry and ignored the MCC snapin. I got tired of bouncing back and forth. I'm looking forward to that sp.