Dear All,
I have one question. I am doing data migration of Navision DB from 2009 to 2013. whenever user do changes to master records( Customer, Vendor, Chart of Account ... ), my scripts will start after 30 minutes to transfer those modified records to Navision 2013. After finish scripts execution (I use SQL SERVER AGENT). I come to check modified data whether they are transferred or not. Then I realized, they did transfer(I used scripts to check). but when come to Navision 2013, those records are not available. To make them available, I need to re-open Navision 2013 RTC or sometimes, I need to restart Navision service.
Is there any other way to refresh data without re-open or restart service ?
Thank you for your help in advance.
Use XML Port and schedule in NAS instead, then business Logic is run as well, and data gets validated.