Remaining quantitty

MahakMahak Member Posts: 5
edited 2015-06-16 in Navision Financials
Hi!! In Which circumstances remaining quantity and the invoiced quantity are different.

Please reply.. waiting for your reply



  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    I'd say they are always different, unless you've invoiced exactly half of the original quantity.
  • navuser1navuser1 Member Posts: 1,334
    In which Table ?
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  • MahakMahak Member Posts: 5
    In item ledger entry
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    navuser1 wrote:
    In which Table ?
    You tell me. Are you looking at purchase orders? Sales orders? Item Ledger?
  • MahakMahak Member Posts: 5
    In the item ledger entry (there is both remaining quantity and invoiced quantity).
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    When you run the ILE table, you can press F1 while your cursor is in either one of this fields, and this explains how to interpret the value and how they are populated.

    Try it yourself. Create a positive and a negative adjustment, post it, and see what happens with the field values in the ILE. Create a purchase order and receive it. Then post a partial invoice, and check the ILE. Then invoice the remaining quantity and check again. Do the same with a sales order.
  • navuser1navuser1 Member Posts: 1,334
    If remaining quantity is greater than zero in ILE table that's mean the Line is still Open
    And the Line Entry / remaining quantity is still open to consume or sale.

    The entry is made from Purchase/Output Journal/Sales Return or any Journal that increase the Inventory.
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