We created a firm planned production order and assigned a quantity (7)to an item. We then changed the status to 'Released'. At this point we decreased the quantity (not required for some reason) or set to zero (order cancelled). The Finished Qty = 0 and Remaining Qty = 7. When we changed the status to 'Finished', we get a message that some output is still missing. We click yes and it changed to 'Finished'. The Finished Qty = 0 shows, but in the background it holds onto the Remaining Qty = 7.
This creates an issue in the Availability Status Report. It appears to distort the value in the Planned Qty on Prod Ord.
Functionality: Is it possible to reverse or decrease the quantity on a production order and not have a residual value (left over) left in the Remaining Qty field?
Hope can help ...
Thanks again!