Hello everyone,
The "Sales Shipment Line" table is taking huge space on the SQL server ( more than 160 GB). and it has data on it since 2008 ( shipment date).
Any best practices of how to reduce the size of this table?
or info with regards deleting old data from this table . does this have any affect on other tables?
Appreciate your feedback.
The sales shipment header delete trigger deletes all associated records.
It will take a long time to delete that much data using NAV, so you will want to test it a small range and see how long it takes.
You should look at the size of your other tables as well.
Also consider carefully what and how much you want to purge.
Do you think that deleting data from Sales Shipment Line table might have any side effects on Inventory , or any other tables in NAV?
Let me know please.
If you want to have some of the accounting experts look at your question, you should re-post your question with the heading - "Will deleting old sales shipments affect G/L or Inventory?"
If your sales shipment line table is so large, how big is your sales invoice line table?
I would expect it to have a similar size unless someone has already purged it.
Would you please provide me with more info with regards using NAV GUI to delete "sales shipment line"?