Printer defaulting to Letter (should be A4)

RodtmcleanRodtmclean Member Posts: 89
edited 2015-04-30 in NAV Three Tier

In design the report is set to A4, the sizing is also within A4. When the user tries to print, the printer defaults to letter and the user has to choose A4, this is in the printer preferences dialog so it shouldn't be down to NAV?

When I try to print something like an Excel document from windows, the same printer's preferences are A4? The default printer preferences from control panel are also A4, the finger is thus pointing to NAV.

Has someone else experienced this?



  • PoltergeistPoltergeist Member Posts: 200
    I've had similar issues with Xerox MFP's. It all came down to a setting in the printerdriver. Don't know if it is a Xerox you're using, but the setting is in tab advanced->printing default-> big Arrow button next to paper -> Other size. This was still at letter, changing it to A4 solved my problem..
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