Does anybody know how can i get the Navision databases in an SQL Server with Cfront ocx.
Something like the form when you go File-Database-Open and you select the database from the Sql Server.
I 'm try to create a form similar to Database\Open with same functionality.
I did try to read the server databases from table Database ,but to do this you must open one of the databases first.
So i need some other way
Check out the different automation-controllers for SQL. Probably one of them will have the possibility to get all the names of the DB's in it. For more info, try the Microsoft-pages.
Regards,Alain Krikilion No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
You could use the Automation Object:
'Microsoft SQLDMO Object Library'.SQLServer
with connect(Sqlservername, username, password) ...
and then get the databases with the property:
SQLServer.Databases.Item(...) and other functions...
That way you will get all the dbs of the server. To show only the dbs of navision you could use the $dbo$property table and check the databaseversionno field to show only the proper Navision version dbs...
I did try to read the server databases from table Database ,but to do this you must open one of the databases first.
So i need some other way
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
'Microsoft SQLDMO Object Library'.SQLServer
with connect(Sqlservername, username, password) ...
and then get the databases with the property:
SQLServer.Databases.Item(...) and other functions...
That way you will get all the dbs of the server. To show only the dbs of navision you could use the $dbo$property table and check the databaseversionno field to show only the proper Navision version dbs...