Report prints totals on last page - 99% of time

RodtmcleanRodtmclean Member Posts: 89
edited 2015-04-01 in NAV Three Tier

I have changed the statement for a client so the report totals are at the bottom - on the last page only.

I have an issue which crops up when the first page is full and there are no lines for a second(last) page. There will be a header on the last page but the footer is suppressed - so no totals. It seems that a page break is issued after the first page but the second page is not a "proper full page".

The totals are contained in a totals rectangle in the footer (the customer really really wants the totals at the bottom) and the total rectangle's visibility is controlled using =IIF((Globals!PageNumber = Globals!OverallTotalPages), FALSE, TRUE). The report is printed one at a time for each customer from a loop so OverallTotalPages only ever applies to one customer.

It all works except in the cases where a page is full and the next page has no lines displayed, here the footer is suppressed completely. I know this as there is a logo at the bottom that is set to show all the time under the totals rectangle.

Any help would be appreciated.
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