I need to know if the Value entry table records, will be modified by any NAV process?
is their any field in the value entry table that will be modified, later on after being inserted. (other than the post cost to GL batch)
i want to have a replica of the Value entry table, so i want to be sure that if i add only the new lines to the replica table is enough?, or is their any modification being done on the existing records that also requires to be update to the replica.
No. It doesn't because NAV needs allow us to keep an audit trail of financial transactions. If the G/L Post Cost "modified" the records as opposed to inserting we wouldn't be able to know the original values before modification.
So only inserts.
Vincent Connell
I agree with that 100% for all fields that contain amount values, but what about other fields??
Valuation Date gets upated during posting in CU. There is code that updates all the value entry valuation date. I don't remember which costing method.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n