creating a sub account

hansonezehansoneze Member Posts: 3
edited 2015-03-24 in Navision Financials
I want to create a new customer who have another customer as the parent but we can still invoice and run reports for the new customer without having the parent customer appear on the invoice or the report


  • Jan_VeenendaalJan_Veenendaal Member Posts: 206
    In standard NAV there is no relation between customers - except when you define the 'Bill-to Customer No.' on the customer card.
    So either
    (a) you set the Bill-to Customer No. on the new customer (then you can see that there is a relationship between the two customers). When you create a sales order for the new customer it will by default be invoiced to the 'parent company' - but you can manually change that for each order,

    (b) you have no link between the customers.
    Jan Veenendaal
  • hansonezehansoneze Member Posts: 3
    In standard NAV there is no relation between customers - except when you define the 'Bill-to Customer No.' on the customer card.
    So either
    (a) you set the Bill-to Customer No. on the new customer (then you can see that there is a relationship between the two customers). When you create a sales order for the new customer it will by default be invoiced to the 'parent company' - but you can manually change that for each order,

    (b) you have no link between the customers.


    but this is the scenario : I have a wholesaler covering a particular area, now I got a new customer in the same area who dosent want to under the wholesaler, she wants to be dealing with company directly. but I have an agreement with the wholesaler that every customer in that area shall be under him. now how do I create this new customer to be under the wholesaler but all her invoices and statement will not bear the name of the wholesaler but her name alone.

    thanks for support
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