I have created 2 new field in table 37, Field1 & Field2 ( Decimal type )
I go in design on Page "Sales Order Subform (46)", and sets the new fields in over the Quantity Field - like this
When I opens the Sales Order, the 2 new fields comes LAST. They should come before Quantity
Hope someone can help
Please see http://www.dynamicsnavukhelp.co.uk/forum-screen-shot-links/.
So this is going to be down to how the fields were added to the sub form page I suspect.
If you would like more assistance, I will need the table (37) and page (46) objects and I will investigate further. I can send a dropbox invite for you to place objects in if you confirm your email address.
Thanks for the response.
In the screenshot you added, the field1 and field2 is after the quantity.
It should be before the quantity, and t is When I do that, it puts the 2 fields last in the Line ....
So your only choice as far as I can tell is customising - either by each user (a pain) or using the configuration utilities for roles (much quicker).
Hope this helps.
That was also My only workaround. But, argh - there must be some other Way.