Upgrade to multilanguage?

nlobnlob Member Posts: 2
edited 2015-03-09 in Navision Financials
Dear all,
I've done some upgrading from 3/4/5 to 2009 but only once did I ever upgrade a 2.6 to 2009R2. I need to do that again and am asking myself one thing: In the previous project I had the biggest problems with multi language stuff. It was fiddly (NLP workbench iirc) and time consuming. It worked, though but I'm asking myself if it was worth the effort?
All I want is to update the data from the 2.6 install, no customisation whatsoever. Most of the stuff that was customized in 2.6 is in stock 2009R2 by now and the 3-4 really important bits I will implement afresh after the upgrade in a new and fresh 2009R2 database.
In this setting, do I really need to do the full multilanguage stuff? I could just convert the data and replace the objects and have a NAV 4.0SP3 multilanguage DB version, no?
Thanks, best regards...
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