Export selection of objects as separate textfiles
While doing an upgrade from NAV2009R2 to NAV2015 I found that the powershell cmdlet Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile was very slow. (took more than 12 hours to run)
Maybe because of the setup of the virtual machine I was working on, but that's why I decided to make this small Powershell script that will export all selected objects as separated txt files, using the same naming convention as the Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile function.
It first queries the object table with a given filter and it uses the result set to show to the user.
The user then selects the objects he wants to export. All selected objects will be exported using a call to finsql.exe -exportobjects for each found record.
So it is actually quite simple.
Discuss this download here.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I suppose so, I had almost 6000 objects, the first 5900 went through very fast, but it took ages for the last part to be processed.
Anyway, it was a nice way to learn some more about Powershell.
greetings, Remco
The initial version of the Split Cmdlet had severe performance issues in some environments (mine too