Generate FNC1-code in EAN128 barcode with NAVIBAR.EXE

Jean_VisschersJean_Visschers Member Posts: 4
I'm using NAVIBAR.EXE to create barcodes within Navision reports. I must add the FNC1 symbol in the barcode.

Can somebody give me a hint or the solution


  • mayermayer Member Posts: 50
    Hello Jean,

    for help you should show us your navision code with an example ean128 code.

  • Jean_VisschersJean_Visschers Member Posts: 4
    Hello, Ralph

    By this the Navision code:

    txtBarcode = 10000001
    ok:= SHELL(STRSUBSTNO('%1%2%3%4%5%6%7',
    recSRSetup."Place and Name Barcode Program", // Programm
    ' ' + txtBarcode + '{', // code to generate
    '15'+'{', // barcodetype
    '300'+'{', // width in pixel
    '50'+'{', // high in pixel
    recSRSetup."Place Barcodes" + '\beeld2.bmp', // destination for the .bmp-file
    '{false')); // geen tekst afdrukken

    The barcode is (10)000001, the approximated barcode must be:

    {Start C}{FNC1}10000001{FCN1}{CD}{STOP}

    CD= Check Digit
  • ndonohoendonohoe Member Posts: 15
    Hi Jean,

    I am having the same problem. Did you find a fix for FNC1?

    I origally created my barcode using code128 from a table of look-ups characters etc. with a codeunit and used a downloaded windows font for the print. And used array to split out barcode data and human readable equiv.

    line1[1] := FORMAT(StartBit) + GenerateBarCode.CalcCheckSum('A',
    '02' + FORMAT(Prefix) + item."Outer Bar Code" +
    '15' +FORMAT("Shipping Best Before Date",0,'<year><month,2><day,2>')
    + '37' + PadStrL(FORMAT(("Shipping No of Cases" DIV 1)),8,'0')+ '10' + "Batch No.");

    line1[2] := '(02)'+ FORMAT(Prefix) + item."Outer Bar Code" +
    '(15)' + FORMAT("Shipping Best Before Date",0,'<year><month,2><day,2>')
    +'(37)' + FORMAT(("Shipping No of Cases" DIV 1))+ '(10)' + "Batch No.";

    If my code 128 is of any use to you, I can explain further.
  • mayermayer Member Posts: 50

    to generate the FNC1 try the ascii-code 242.

  • wakestarwakestar Member Posts: 207
    mayer wrote:

    to generate the FNC1 try the ascii-code 242.


    I'm not sure about this but I use this function and it works:
    FNC1() : Text[1]
    EXIT('¹'); // Alt+0185 
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