I have a Customer that practically wants all financial postings to run through the job module, giving them the possibility to follow the company’s financial development just by looking in the job module. Using dimensions was suggested, but this approach was rejected.
Here are my initial thoughts:
- Does it make sense or will there always be loopholes?
- Always create sales orders via the job module
- Make a code check in CU80 / CU90 to ensure "Job No." and "Job Task No." always is filled out on purchase and sales documents
- If financial postings are made in a journal make sure "Job G/L Journals" are used (Role Center controlled)
- Add a check in CU 11 Gen. Jnl.-Check Line to ensure "Job No." and "Job Task No." always are filled out in job journals
- ….??
Any feedback on above are very welcome! :-k
In short; don't do it.
There are too many functions where it doesn't make sense to fill Job No.
They probably know working this way from their current software. In NAV it does not work that way.
Maybe you should let them talk with a experienced financial NAV consultant?
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist