ExcelApp Automation 'Microsoft Excel 15.0 Object Library'.Application ExcelBook Automation 'Microsoft Excel 15.0 Object Library'.Workbook ExcelSheet Automation 'Microsoft Excel 15.0 Object Library'.Worksheet ExcelRange Automation 'Microsoft Excel 15.0 Object Library'.Range ExcelChart Automation 'Microsoft Excel 15.0 Object Library'.Chart GraphFile File MemStream InStream OStream OutStream Customer Record Customer
//Add field GraphCustomer in Customer table //Data type BLOB Subtype BitMap //You can use this field in the customer page or a RDLC report CREATE(ExcelApp, FALSE, TRUE); ExcelBook := ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add(-4167); ExcelSheet := ExcelApp.ActiveSheet; ExcelSheet.Name := 'Sales customer'; Customer.SETFILTER("Date Filter",'%1..%2',010112D,311212D); Customer.CALCFIELDS("Sales (LCY)"); ExcelSheet.Range('A1').Value := '2012'; ExcelSheet.Range('A2').Value := Customer."Sales (LCY)"; Customer.SETFILTER("Date Filter",'%1..%2',010113D,311213D); Customer.CALCFIELDS("Sales (LCY)"); ExcelSheet.Range('B1').Value := '2013'; ExcelSheet.Range('B2').Value := Customer."Sales (LCY)"; Customer.SETFILTER("Date Filter",'%1..%2',010114D,311214D); Customer.CALCFIELDS("Sales (LCY)"); ExcelSheet.Range('C1').Value := '2014'; ExcelSheet.Range('C2').Value := Customer."Sales (LCY)"; ExcelRange := ExcelSheet.Range('A1:C2'); ExcelChart := ExcelBook.Charts.Add; ExcelChart.Name := 'Customergraph'; //ChartType 60 = 3D CLUSTERED BAR ExcelChart.ChartWizard(ExcelRange,60,70,1,1,0,0,'Sales (LCY) Customer Pardaan Inc.'); ExcelChart.Export(TEMPORARYPATH+'graph.png'); GraphFile.OPEN(TEMPORARYPATH+'graph.png'); GraphFile.CREATEINSTREAM(MemStream); CALCFIELDS(Graph); Graph.CREATEOUTSTREAM(OStream); COPYSTREAM(OStream,MemStream); MODIFY; GraphFile.CLOSE;
We have NAV 2013, and the graphs in NAV were a nice addition, but the lack of filtering and control that you have is limiting. With Excel in this way there is much more control possible. Thanks again.
I wonder if in RTC it is possible to increase the size of the BLOB field in the page at all.
I have it working in the customer card, but the BLOB field is small, so you need to click onto the image to have it run in a picture viewer to make it out.
Bruce Anderson
I use this solution mainly in management reports!
Unfortunately, I get the following error.
And on the Servie Tier Server there isn´t any File with the name graph.png
You can use this function:
Function CopyFileToRTCfromClient(parTxtFilename : Text[1024]):
Name DataType Subtype Length
TxtFileToDownload Text 250
FilGraphFile File
InsInstream InStream
TxtMagicpath Text 250
AutFileSystemObject Automation 'Microsoft Scripting Runtime'.FileSystemObject
TxtDestinationFileName Text 250
IntI Integer
TxtFileToUpload Text 250
TxtFileToUpload1 Text 250
TxtFoldername Text 250
OutOutStream OutStream
I modified the objects for client/server, you can download the objects here....
como puedo crear varios gráficos en una misma hoja?