In 2.x version, fields "Balance Due (LCY)" in customer and vendor table on drill down, used to show the open cust. ledger enties and was the sum of "remaining amount (LCY)" field of that table. And the field "Balance (LCY)" used to show all the entries.
But in 370, the calcformula of the both the fields "Balance (LCY)" & "Balance Due (LCY)" has been changed to be the sum of the "Amount (LCY)" field of the "detailed cust. ledger entry". Now, "Balance Due (LCY)" shows the whole list, not the ones as it used to in 2.x versions. But the field "Balance (LCY)" field shows less no. of entries. Can some one explain the reason for this.
Thanks & Regards,
RunObject: Form Customer Ledger Entries
RunFormView: SORTING(Entry No.) ORDER(Ascending) WHERE(Open=FILTER(Yes))
RunFormLink: Customer No.=FIELD(FILTER(No.))
This way we don't have to weed thru hundreds of entries to see what's open at the click of a button