Change Log Entry Behavior

EddieEddie Member Posts: 26
edited 2015-01-23 in NAV Three Tier
In NAV 4.0 change log entry captures changes made by user on form. If I run for example report to change data on the same table, then change log entry doesn’t captures data changes.

NAV2013 doesn’t have this behavior. Change log entry captures both of these situations. I did research in CU1 but didn’t find anything that could do the difference between data changes fired from page by user and data changes made by Report, Codeunit etc…

I need in change log entry only changes made by user entered from page, not data changes made by program code. I’m looking for something like CurrFieldNo used in tables.

Any idea? Thank you.


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    There are 2 sets of triggers:

    The old ones:OnGlobalxxxx-triggers of older versions. These are only triggered when a user does something and not by code. If you do it by code, you need to handle it yourself. NAV 4 has only these triggers and CANNOT use the newer ones.

    The new ones:OnDatabasexxxx-triggers. These were implemented into NAV2009 or SP1 or R2 (don't remember exactly). These triggers were invented because of the connection NAV-CRM and NAV had to send ALL changes in tables to CRM. So they must also be triggered by changes done by code.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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