We have an issue where some of our users are posting into sub entities and selecting the currency code even though it is the the lcy, hence when you run reports you get currency divided into blank (lcy), GBP (also LCY) and USD making them harder to read.
is there any trick to preventing this, or to remedying the reporting issue?
1. Remove the LCY Currency from the Currency Table.
2. If the LCY is required or populated for other reasons like exports/imports then in the posting Codeunits for the General Journal Line, Clear the "Currency Code" and check the "Currency Factor"
Make sure the LCY code in the General Ledger Setup is set to the LCY "Currency Code"
Codeunit 11 "Gen. Jnl.-Check Line"
OnRun(VAR Rec : Record "Gen. Journal Line")
3. Set the "Currency Code" and check the "Currency Factor" so all entries have a "Currency Code"!
Make sure the LCY code in the General Ledger Setup is set to the LCY "Currency Code"
Codeunit 11 "Gen. Jnl.-Check Line"
OnRun(VAR Rec : Record "Gen. Journal Line")
David 8)
Mobile: +44(0)7854 842801
Email: david.cox@adeptris.com
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Website: http://www.adeptris.com