Multiple Item Cost Setup

itspeteritspeter Member Posts: 105
I have an Item, called Peanut Butter, some of the customers buy from us, request to have their own brand, and packaging size (10kg/15kg/20kg). How do I create this Peanut Butter?

If I create this as 1 item in item card, and there is only 1 item cost in the Item Journal, how can I reflect the cost based on each Brand and Packaging size?

If I create an unique Item based on Brand and Packaging size, it could easily end up n Brand X n Packaging Size X Product Spec. How do I reduce it? :-s
Peter Ng


  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    I think you will need to create different unit of measures for this item. Then simply create different purchase prices per unit of measure. But again, I could easaly be wrong...

    Btw, Next time it's maybe a good idea to post you Navision version.
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
  • Red-flagRed-flag Member Posts: 1
    I think , you could create one new item,and creat several variants to this
    item.then one item + a variants --> each Brand and Packaging size,system could set up vary cost to "one item + a variants "
  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    Purchase price can be create for a combination of Item, UoM, Variant.

    So, I think you problem has just been solved.... maybe
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
  • itspeteritspeter Member Posts: 105
    edited 2005-06-08
    Thanks for the reply.

    I'm using Nav4.0. Our Navision vendor was telling us there is no way it can be done, mean 1 item with multiple cost, based on Brand and Packing.

    Can I know, or be more specific, how do I achieve this in Navision 4.0? Since, my vendor couldn't guide us in this. :?
    Peter Ng
  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    You need to be very careful with the information you get from mibuso. We know nothing of you customizations or other thing that could conflict a standard solution.

    Plus I not really trying to give you the absolute correct answer. I’m just trying to point you the right direction. So, it could very well be you dealer is not trying to rip you off but really tries to give you the best possible support.

    Please try to test the way we pointed you.

    Create an item. Create multiple variants. Create multiple unit of measure codes. Then setup the Purchase Prices and Sales Prices table an just purchase and sell some items. If it’s does what you want it to be, discuss this with your dealer. Let them confirm your solution.

    Please pay them for this confirmation. If people like them, like me, don’t get paid mibuso wouldn’t exist.
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
  • itspeteritspeter Member Posts: 105
    The method you provide, is it only for selling price? :-s

    I'm looking for Cost for each Brand+Spec+PackingSize, not the selling price.

    Which mean 1 item have multiple Cost based on different Brand+Spec+PackingSize. :wink:

    Brand is because the Packing Material Cost might be different.
    Spec is because Product grade is different.
    Packing Size is 500g, 1kg, and so on.
    Peter Ng
  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    Purchase prices as well...
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
  • itspeteritspeter Member Posts: 105
    I've tried your method, on Sales and Purchase, but that is for the selling and purchasing price.
    I need multiple Unit Cost for each Item combination. 8-[
    Peter Ng
  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    Can't that be done by filling in different purchase prices? If not, why not? What seemd to be the problem?
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
  • ndnndn Member Posts: 19
    It would help if you could be more specific about why you need the cost.
    You can use the Stock-keeping Units (SKU) if you want to maintain SKUs as per Location/Variant or both and have cost information per SKU.
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    The use of SKUs is essential in this case. Create the item variants necessary
    and set the "Average Cost Calc. Type" in "Inventory Setup" to "Item&Location&Variant" if the item costing method is "Average".
    Kai Kowalewski
  • itspeteritspeter Member Posts: 105

    Thanks for the reply :D . The reason behind was my financial department need to keep track on the cost for each type of product. Behind a peanut butter, the cost is on the ingredient, packaging.

    Certain customer order high quality ingredient, it should not be the same cost as lower quality ingredient. Certain customer order glass bottle, and some order in tin and refill pack with their own brand or ours, also the packaging material's quality. Packing size ranging from 150ml to 10kg.

    They want to calculate the unit cost on each combination, and to come out with reasonable selling price, to serve as a guideline for the salesperson to sell each combination of the product. Also, to calculate P&L for each item.

    Each combinations has turn out to be different products. My vendor has customized the Order to allow salesperson to choose the brand, packaging size, and packing design. But, they miss out the cost. #-o

    We were given 2 choices: -
    1.) Create each combination as 1 item.
    Brand X Product Spec X Packaging Size = N items
    2.) Massive customization $$$$$$$
    Peter Ng
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    The adjustments due to a credit memo or physical inventory also need to have the right cost.
    Without SKUs you will get a totally useless average mix of the cost of all possible variants and, consequently, an all wrong inventory valuation.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • itspeteritspeter Member Posts: 105

    Thanks for the reply. I raised the Variant, and SKU to my vendor, their response is I'm actually creating more work for the user :| . It is due to the Location Code, we have several warehouses, each floors having own location code.

    Variant = Brand X Product Spec X Packing Size

    SKU: -
    Product X Location X Variant

    I think we will end up defining unique item code. :-k
    Peter Ng
  • vanrofivanrofi Member Posts: 272
    NOT TRUE!!!

    You can make SKU per Location, Variant or both.
    So, if you use the standard function Make SKU on Item card, see the options.

    Reading the answers from your partner, I must say that they do not even know standard functionality within Navision.

    I just hope you didn't pay them for this kind of answers :roll:

    It's true that you need testing these things out.

    You might need some adjustment to the code in order the make variants automatically once you defined UOM and brands, so that the system create the variants itself...

    Good luck (with your partner...)
  • itspeteritspeter Member Posts: 105

    Many thanks for your feedback, I thought everybody gave up on my problem. :cry:

    To setup SKU Variant location, is it you mean leaving the value blank during SKU form?

    I tried it, it able to setup, but when I key in the inventory in the item journal, if I don't choose location, it goes well, but once I select the location, it will standardize into 1 unit cost.

    My vendor commented still will be the same Variant Location X Items. :?

    You mentioned
    You might need some adjustment to the code in order the make variants automatically once you defined UOM and brands, so that the system create the variants itself...
    How can I do that?

    Thank you. :)
    Peter Ng
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    You don't need to specify the Location code on SKU if the cost will the same for all the locations
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • itspeteritspeter Member Posts: 105

    I have tested without setting location.
    Conditions: -
    1.) Item Costing method = Standard
    2.) Item Standard Cost = 10.00
    3.) No Manufacturing module, pending due to customization.

    1.) Create variants in item card
    2.) Create SKU for Item with combination of each variant, without location.
    i.) Variants -> PEAC1, Peanut Class 1 = Cost 15.00
    3.) In item journal, make positive adjustment.
    i.) Select variant PEAC1, the cost price will show 15.00.
    ii.) If I choose a location, the cost price will auto change to 10.00.

    1.) Expected should be cost price should not change according to location, since SKU did not set for it. What went wrong? :-k
    1.) Is the standard item costing causing problem? My finance department wanted to use Standard Costing for item. :|
    2.) If I don't choose location, will the system be able to capture stock quantity based on location? :-s
    Peter Ng
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    itspeter wrote:
    1.) Is the standard item costing causing problem? My finance department wanted to use Standard Costing for item. :|

    STANDARD is totally wrong for goods like these, use FIFO or AVERAGE.
    STANDARD could be used for lubricants needed in a production process with a relatively fixed, estimated or calculated cost.

    Note :
    You can only change the costing method when the inventory is 0.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • itspeteritspeter Member Posts: 105

    I have done several test on Costing Standard, Average, and FIFO.
    Conditions: -
    1.) Item Costing method = Standard / Average / FIFO
    2.) Item Unit Cost = 10.00
    3.) No Manufacturing module, pending due to customization.

    1.) Create variants in item card
    2.) Create SKU for Item with combination of each variant, without location.
    i.) Variants -> DELIPN1, DELI Brand Peanut Class 1 = Cost 15.00
    3.) In item journal, make positive adjustment.
    i.) Select variant DELIPN1, the cost price will show 15.00.
    ii.) If I choose a location, the cost price STILL auto change to 10.00.
    - It is still happening. :?
    iii.) If I exclude the location, I cannot drill down the Inventory in SKU.

    For average costing, all the positive adjustment on different variants is average up into 1 cost. I don't want that. I want it to be different. Because the variants consist of different brand, and product specification.

    Most of you guys mention it is possible, and I believe. But, I cannot reproduce it to get the result. ](*,)

    For this customisation, my vendor quote me 80+ man days. :cry: We are running out of choice. My management :evil: gonna kill me. Please anyone out there, help... :cry:
    Peter Ng
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    If you need to see the inventory from the SKU card, you will have to create SKUs for Location&Variant.

    Create the SKUs, then set the Costing method to FIFO, put in the right cost in the field "Unit cost" (forget the field "Standard cost", that's for costing method STANDARD).

    If is necessary to put in the unit cost separately for every location ( check this in the Object designer for table 5700 or redesign the Stockkeeping unit list form)

    NOTE : AVERAGE will give you an average of the variants purchase prices incl. item charges for the cost of sales, whereas FIFO will link the cost to the actual purchase(s) which have a remaining quantity. Both methods can be used ( if AVERAGE is used see my earlier posting about the setup setting)
    Kai Kowalewski
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