Hello Experts,
I just getting my toes wet (just started reading warehousing manual) in the warehousing solution that NAV provides and one of client asked us the following:
1) If the warehouse shipment document can support having multiple lines on it from different locations?
2) If on the pick document, can we have pick lines from different location codes?
Is it possible to do this? If yes, how do we accomplish this?
I started doing some of my own digging: I creates two sales Order with different locations. In the Warehouse shipment document I typed the first location and using Get Source Documents function I was able to retrieve the Sales order lines and then I typed in the second location and system threw me the following error: "You cannot change the location code because the document has one or more lines"
Therefore, its not possible to have multiple locations per Warehouse Shipment document. However, you can have multiple SO from different customers per location.
Now looking for an answer for question 2.