Please Help!
I need trasfer navision date to word now I made tranfer text, but how I may tranfer BLOB (bitmap) and Date. Which Word Object Library I must use. May be you have same information about Word Object Library automation data type.
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"Any data that is not Text or Code must be converted before it is passed to Word. so you have to use the FORMAT function to convert it to Text. The FORMAT function has the following syntax:
String := FORMAT(Value [, Length] [, FormatNumber | FormatString])"
If some one need help for this help ask me be I can help!
When you have done that you have to figure out the code that inserts the BMP as an image into word. Don't know the code needed for that but i have a tip:
Start the macro recorder in word and simulate what you want to do in C/AL manually. When youre done stop the recorder and you will find VBA code in the VBA editor (SHIFT-F11). This code can be translated into a C/AL syntax.
Thanks :!:
This code i get from the macro editor in word but be aware this code only inserts a picture on the current cursor posistion:
Plus this is Visual Basic Code so you have to translate it into C/Al.
The macro recorder you can find in MS word, in the menu extra. The second code in this post is generated by the macro recorder. With the macro recorder you can simulate what you want to automate. It is the easiest way on discoverin how to automate things and works really good.