Visio Automation

beetlestonebeetlestone Member Posts: 46
edited 2002-01-24 in Navision Financials
Is it possible to link Navision (Any version) to a MS Visio sheet. Apparently Great Plains is able to take a Visio diagram with a Bill of Materials and use that within their system. We need to do something similar.
Darren Beetlestone


  • PrebenRasmussenPrebenRasmussen Member Posts: 137
    Hi BS

    It sure is possible to connect to MS Visio with Automation.

    I tried one and a half year ago, but then changed to MS Project instead, because the automation interface of MS Visio had too menu errors in the 2000 version when trying to create connections for a Pert diagram. I haven't tried the 2002 version yet though.

    The following code should get you started, have fun:

    IF NOT CREATE(autVisioApplication,TRUE) THEN
    autVisioApplication.Visible := TRUE; //Show/Hide the Visio

    autVisioDocuments := autVisioApplication.Documents; //Initiate the documents collection
    autVisioDocument := autVisioDocuments.Add(''); //Pick one document from the collection (Blank: Add(''))
    autVisioStyles := autVisioDocument.Styles;
    autVisioStyle := autVisioStyles.Add('NG_Style','Normal',1,0,0);
    autVisioPages := autVisioDocument.Pages; //Pick the pages collection
    autVisioPage := autVisioPages.Item(1); //Pick page no. 1
    autVisioPage.Name('Pert Diagram'); //Name the page

    PositionX := PositionX + ColSpacing;
    PositionY := PositionY - RowSpacing;
    autVisioShape1 := autVisioPage.DrawRectangle(PositionX, PositionY, PositionX+BoxWidth, PositionY+BoxHeight);
    autVisioShape1.Name := '1';
    autVisioShape1.Text := 'Box 1';
    autVisioCellBox := autVisioShape1.Cells('EndX');
  • beetlestonebeetlestone Member Posts: 46
    Hi Preben,

    The example you have given is, I assume, to create a Visio sheet from Navision data. Is it possible to transpose a Visio Sheet back into Navision. ie if a Visio sheet has a Bill of Material sheet, create the necessary BOM in Navision !!!

    Thanks for the post.

    Darren Beetlestone
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