Sync-NAVTenant SQL error

spider1269spider1269 Member Posts: 74
edited 2014-12-19 in NAV Three Tier
I'm running the Sync-NAVTenant on a development box during a test upgrade from 5.0 SP1 to 2013R2. It's failing for multiple tables with the following error:

Sync-NAVTenant: The following SQL error was unexpected.
Object '"dbo"."TESTData$Sales Invoice Header"' cannot be renamed because the object participates in enforced dependencies.

That particular object has over 40 stored procs, views, etc. linked to it. I dropped user created views and was able to get past the error. I'm now getting a similar error on the next table it was synching. Can I assume that I should be dropping all the user created views (not NAV created) before I run the Sync-NAVTenant? I've searched everywhere and have found little info on this subject.

Thanks for any insight you may have.

Dropping the user created views on 3 tables solved the issue. I recreated them after the sync and everything is working.
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