Zebra S600 Barcode Printing

emkproemkpro Member Posts: 47

I am trying to print a barcode ean 13 from an S600 but my report prewiew shows nothing. Does the printer loads its fonts (ean 13 particularly) to windows fonts. How should I use them. Do I have to use the printers own fonts or direct numbers. I need some clues on this


  • mayermayer Member Posts: 50
    Hi emkpro,

    how looks like the code which you use to print?

  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    You need to send plain text files ( "Generic Printer/Text only" with Codepage 850) to the Zebra S-600, no extras fonts are needed, the printer creates all barcodes internally.

    Example :
    a EAN13 Barcode line can look like this:

    ^BY2,3.0^FO354,20^BEB,64,Y,N^FR^FD' + EAN + '^FS

    ^BY : Barcode Field Default Instruction
    ^BE : Barcode EAN 13
    ^FO . Field Origin
    ^FD : Field Data
    ^FS : Field Separator
    ^FR : Field Reverse Print

    Download the ZPL II Progamming Guide first to get started :
    http://www.zebra.com/id/zebra/na/en/ind ... sults.html
    Kai Kowalewski
  • mayermayer Member Posts: 50
    Hi Kowa,

    You need to send plain text files ( "Generic Printer/Text only" with Codepage 850) to the Zebra S-600, no extras fonts are needed, the printer creates all barcodes internally.

    You wrote the answer: you send plain text files - the printer creates the barcodes internally. How should navision show you a barcode which is internally created? If you create a plain text file you haven´t any sections.

    If you need the barcode also on screen i suggest to use my barcode-utility.

  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    All you can see in the preview is the text which is sent to the printer, nothing else. A Zebra Label Printer is not a TrueType Printer nor has it any WYSIWYG capability. It needs a precise plain text where every single character counts, printed into a section of sufficient width.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • emkproemkpro Member Posts: 47
    I handled the problem by a dll which sends direct commands to printer. But using generic printer text only 850 seems a better idea,it would be at least, If I knowed what it means :oops:
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    You just have to install a new printer , selecting "Standard"/"Generic /Text only" ( i.e. the basic printer) from the printer models. Then you go to the properties of this printer to select Codepage 850 ( otherwise special characters like üÜöÖ will not be printed right).
    Kai Kowalewski
  • ViljoenViljoen Member Posts: 6
    Hi emkpro,

    Another solution would be to use the EPL for zebra, the quickst would be to generate a tempory file and send it directly to the printer. E.g like printing the file to the LPT port.
    Francois Viljoen
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