I have some ADO code that copies records from one NAV database to another NAV database. There are some DateTime fields in these records.
The query does a SQL FORMAT to return the DateTime in the format where it can be EVALUATE'd into the target table:
SELECT [No_], FORMAT([Complete Date_Time], 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt') AS [Complete Date_Time]
FROM [Ticket] WHERE [No_] = 'xxxxxx'
The issue is the often-discussed issue that in SQL, NAV DateTimes are stored as the UTC datetime.
So if I look at a date in NAV that says, for example '10/30/14 07:56PM', when I use the above query, the result of the DateTime field is
'10/31/14 02:56AM'.
I've found some sql code that will convert a DateTime to local time, but doesn't account for Daylight Savings time. So, for example, if I change the query above to use the following formula for the DateTime field to be:
DATEADD(ms, DATEDIFF(ms, GETUTCDATE(), GETDATE()), [Complete Date_Time])
The result is then 10/30/14 6:56PM - 1 hour off.
So, has anyone figured this out? I could put in a check for DST, but then I would want to subtract either 8 hours or 7 hours from the DateTime returned by the SQL Query (depending on DST, which I can figure out).
Can you do date arithmetic on a Datetime field, like below? (8 hours is 28800000 milleseconds)
"Complete Date Time" := "Complete Date Time" + 28800000;
Any other ideas?
I recently hat to read some Datetime from another SQL-Database an the Code i use looks like this.
Your suggestion, however, gave me an idea for a workaround. In the Source table, I decided to save a copy of the Date/Time in a Text field. When I copy it to the target table, I then just EVALUATE it into the target's Date/time field.
Thanks for the idea.