How to avoid negative inventory quantity?

kenlkenl Member Posts: 182

Is there any setup in Navision 4.0 to avoid /block negative inventory quantity for an item ?




  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    In standard Navision, you can set Items to Reserve = Always.

    However, it can make things a little bit complicated, f.e. if you have inventory, but your sales order is still reserved from a purchase order, you cannot ship. You have to test it.

    My opinion is that reservations should not be used because they are too complex.

    You can also use bins granule. You never have negative inventory in a bin, so just set up a bin for every location. Warehouse documents like Inventory Pick or Warehouse Pick don't even suggest to pick negative inventory, so you can catch the problem with it earlier.

    Another idea is programming - simply some code to Codeunit 22 or to Item Ledger Entry - OnInsert, that throws an error if inventory would go negative.

    f.e. code to Item Ledger Entry - OnInsert:

    If Quantity<0 then begin
    Item.GET("Item No.");
    Item.SETFILTER("Location Filter","Location Code");
    If Item.Inventory + Quantity<0 then error('Bad move, baby');

    Something like this, but I would rather catch the problem earlier, not when posting...

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
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