I have a problem loading a excel file to Nav. When I run the process manually everythink works fine, but when i use Powershell (as scheduled task with no user inteface) the process loads de decimal values with no commas.
If the value is 382,89 it load's 38289 to nav record.
Any idea how to solve this?
I alredy check that (the problem persists even if I launch the task from powershell, with no task scheduler).
As you say i think that the problem is the locale, but the question is how I set the locale for excel if I'm not using any user interface?? I have been looking for a while for this, but nothign
The Nav job queue is always hanging or failing... I really need to use power shell to launch my excel scheduled processes.
In functions as "format", "validate"... there is an option "9" for XML.
Take a look...
Christer in Stockholm, Sweden
Thanks for your answer but still nothing. The problem is not Nav, is excel. If excel removes the commas on open it doesn't matter wich regional setup Nav uses to load data, the information is alredy lost, commas or points.
I will keep searching.
How did you verify this?
What kind of "Excel file" do you actually have? is it a .csv, an .xls, a .xlsx or anything else? Does the actual file content match the extension?
How do you actually use Powershell in the process?
By what means do you read the excel cell values? Do you use NAV's Excel Buffer? Which version?
Thanks again for you time.
It's a xlsx file, i' m using powershell for launching tasks for multiple tenants/DBs with bucles and some other stuff.
And yes, i'm using excel buffer:
ExcelBufAux.SETRANGE(ExcelBufAux."Column No.",3);
Decimal := ExcelBufAux."Cell Value as Text";
I asume that Excel is the problem cause if i load same values from an another file type, .txt or something everything works perect, even launching tasks with no user interface using powershell.
And if i schedule the excel task using the NAV Job queue, everithing is correct because uses the NAS service loggin account and applies the ruser regional setup.
I fear that is an Excel bug, i searched and tried for a long time with no results.
Thanks again 4 your answer!
Before calling the report wich opens the excel (excelbuffer.openbook), i set the following parameters:
dnGlobalization := dnGlobalization.CultureInfo('es-ES');
dnThread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture := (dnGlobalization);
And the Dotnet Variables used are:
dnThread DotNet System.Threading.Thread.'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
dnGlobalization DotNet System.Globalization.CultureInfo.'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'