I was going through the NAV 2015 specification for the client when I saw the specification for the OS (Operating Systems) required for the client machines. All the OS were required to be 64 bit.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library ... 4(v=nav.80).aspx
This is a bit of shock as it is quite a jump from the NAV 2013 R2 which still allowed 32 bit OS. I manage to get NAV 2015 installed on a tablet with Win 8.1 32 bit but the fact that I have to do more testing for 32 bit environment is really a killjoy.
Anybody has any opinion on this matter? Or tips?
The problem becomes cost.
However, the documentation on MSDN still shows only 64 bits (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library ... 4(v=nav.80).aspx#WinClient)