IF SalesLineSpec.FINDSET(FALSE,FALSE) THEN BEGIN SalesLineSpecPage.SetTempRecord(SalesLineSpec); COMMIT; IF SalesLineSpecPage.RUNMODAL = ACTION::OK THEN BEGIN SalesLineSpecPage.GetTempRecord(ReturnSalesLineSpec);
SetTempRecord(VAR RecIn : TEMPORARY Record "Sales Specification Line") RecTemp.DELETEALL; IF RecIn.FINDSET(FALSE) THEN REPEAT RecTemp.COPY(RecIn); IF RecTemp.INSERT THEN; UNTIL RecIn.NEXT = 0; CurrPage.UPDATE;
OnFindRecord(Which : Text) : Boolean RecTemp.COPY(Rec); IF RecTemp.FIND(Which) THEN BEGIN Rec := RecTemp; EXIT(TRUE); END ELSE EXIT(FALSE); OnNextRecord(Steps : Integer) : Integer RecTemp.COPY(Rec); locResultSteps := RecTemp.NEXT(Steps); IF locResultSteps <> 0 THEN Rec := RecTemp; EXIT(locResultSteps); OnAfterGetRecord() OnNewRecord(BelowxRec : Boolean) IF RecTemp.FINDLAST THEN NextLineNo := RecTemp."Line No." + 10000 ELSE NextLineNo := 10000; RecTemp := xRec; RecTemp."Line No." := NextLineNo; RecTemp."Quantity (pcs)" := 0; RecTemp."Length (mm)" := 0; RecTemp.INSERT; Rec := RecTemp; OnInsertRecord(BelowxRec : Boolean) : Boolean OnModifyRecord() : Boolean RecTemp := Rec; RecTemp.MODIFY; EXIT(FALSE); OnDeleteRecord() : Boolean
OBJECT Page 50008 Sales Specification Lines { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=26-10-14; Time=14:11:20; Modified=Yes; Version List=; } PROPERTIES { CaptionML=[DAN=Salgsspecifikatioslinjer; ENU=Sales Specification Lines]; SourceTable=Table50008; DelayedInsert=Yes; PageType=List; SourceTableTemporary=Yes; OnFindRecord=BEGIN RecTemp.COPY(Rec); IF RecTemp.FIND(Which) THEN BEGIN Rec := RecTemp; EXIT(TRUE); END ELSE EXIT(FALSE); END; OnNextRecord=VAR locResultSteps@1161021000 : Integer; BEGIN RecTemp.COPY(Rec); locResultSteps := RecTemp.NEXT(Steps); IF locResultSteps <> 0 THEN Rec := RecTemp; EXIT(locResultSteps); END; OnNewRecord=BEGIN NewRec; END; OnModifyRecord=BEGIN ModifyRec; EXIT(FALSE); END; OnQueryClosePage=VAR salesline@1161021000 : Record 37; BEGIN END; } CONTROLS { { 1161021000;0;Container; ContainerType=ContentArea } { 1161021001;1;Group ; Name=Group; GroupType=Repeater } { 1161021002;2;Field ; SourceExpr="Document Type" } { 1161021003;2;Field ; SourceExpr="Document No."; Editable=false } { 1161021004;2;Field ; SourceExpr="Line No."; Editable=false } { 1161021005;2;Field ; SourceExpr=Type } { 1161021006;2;Field ; SourceExpr="No." } { 1161021007;2;Field ; SourceExpr="Quantity (pcs)"; StyleExpr=TRUE } { 1161021008;2;Field ; SourceExpr="Length (mm)"; StyleExpr=TRUE } { 1161021009;2;Field ; SourceExpr="Width (mm)"; Visible=FALSE } { 1161021011;2;Field ; SourceExpr=Quantity; Editable=false; Style=Strong; StyleExpr=TRUE } { 1161021010;2;Field ; Name=<Quantity>; SourceExpr="Related to Line No."; Visible=FALSE } } CODE { VAR RecTemp@1161021000 : TEMPORARY Record 50008; PROCEDURE SetTempRecord@1108600000(VAR RecIn@1108600000 : TEMPORARY Record 50008); BEGIN RecTemp.DELETEALL; IF RecIn.FINDSET(FALSE) THEN REPEAT RecTemp.COPY(RecIn); IF RecTemp.INSERT THEN; UNTIL RecIn.NEXT = 0; CurrPage.UPDATE; END; PROCEDURE GetTempRecord@1161021001(VAR RecIn@1108600000 : TEMPORARY Record 50008); BEGIN RecIn.DELETEALL; IF RecTemp.FINDSET(FALSE) THEN REPEAT RecIn.COPY(RecTemp); IF RecIn.INSERT THEN; UNTIL RecTemp.NEXT = 0; CurrPage.UPDATE; END; PROCEDURE NewRec@1161021000(); VAR NextLineNo@1161021000 : Integer; BEGIN IF RecTemp.FINDLAST THEN NextLineNo := RecTemp."Line No." + 10000 ELSE NextLineNo := 10000; RecTemp := xRec; RecTemp."Line No." := NextLineNo; RecTemp."Quantity (pcs)" := 0; RecTemp."Length (mm)" := 0; RecTemp.INSERT; Rec := RecTemp; END; PROCEDURE ModifyRec@1108600001(); BEGIN RecTemp := Rec; RecTemp.MODIFY; END; BEGIN END. } }
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
The only example is the form that is used to enter serial or lot no. Form/Page 6510 Item Tracking Lines.
And that page is not a great example.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
E.g if I have found two rec's in the codeunit and I display them in the page these are the ones that cause the problem in 1). Not new records that the user enteres.
Even though I move the code to OnInsertRecord, this problem persists. But thanks!
MS have changed the behavior for RUNMODAL, so there is now no difference between the user pressing OK or hitting Esc regarding return value.
The return value is OK, if user upon closing page:
- Chooses the OK button.
- Chooses the X button when there was no Cancel button on the window.
- Presses the Esc key when there is no Cancel button on the window.
The solution was to simplify the code I had borrowed from the how-to on mibuso' site.
The handling of the Line No. is done by controlling a global variable LastLineNo, as done in Page 6510.
To know whether or not the user hits ok or Esc is done by this code:
Even if the Page is set to LOOKUPMODE(TRUE) the page is editable as it is set to PageType=Worksheet.
Source code below if useful for anyone:
All this may be common knowledge to most of you, but I still learned new stuff :thumbsup: