I try to invent a complete connection to a Navision database through ODBC with ADO. Through this connection I want to acces a table and add, delete and change a recordset.
My Code :
Set cnODBC = New ADODB.Connection
cnODBC.Open "DRIVER={C/ODBC 32 bit};CSF=No;Database=C:\Anywhere;PPATH=C:\Anywhere;UID=SUPER;PWD=any;CN=any;IT=a-z,A-Z,0-9,_"
'I use this kind of IT because nothing else worked e.g. All characters
Set rsTable = New ADODB.Recordset
rsTable.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rsTable.LockType = adLockPessimistic
rsTable.Open "SELECT * FROM Serv__Aktive__Komp_", cnODBC
Now my problem :
Variables from Navision with datatype decimal have wrong values in VB. e.g. Navision decimal value is 8,25 with 0:5 decimal places. In VB the value is 825000.
The kind of identifier (a-z,A-Z,0-9,_) I use is the only working one.
Thank you for any support.
After opening a recordset a Navision CODE field, length 20 has its Recordset.Fields(index).DefinedSize property set to 21. Ok, thats not the problem I could handle this. But after setting the Recordset.Fields(index).value to e.g. "Hello" the property is automatically set to "Hello " --> = (21-Len("Hello")) empty spaces. The length overall is 21 and updating the recordset causes an ISAM error.
Any help ?
I'm using the INSERT INTO statement of sql. Everything is working fine only when I try to put a value into a decimal datatype.
I have the same problem
Variables from Navision with datatype decimal have wrong values in VB. e.g. Navision decimal value is 8,25 with 0:5 decimal places. In VB the value is 825000.
How did you fixed that problem??
btw i try them all.
But he gives me an error in module CODBC.DLL
any suggestions??
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