User setup keeps getting deleted

stamronstamron Member Posts: 32
When the user attempts to post, they receive a "User Setup User ID "Name" does not exist". They then have to re-enter the user setup information. This will work until another user logs in (on a different worksatation). I had the user do a search on their machine for *.zup and it found nothing. I am assuming that it is finding a zup file on the server and using that, but I'm not sure. So, two questions..... 1) How do I get the zup file on the workstation? 2) How do I ensure that this is the zup file that will be used? :?:


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    "User Setup User ID "Name" does not exist" has nothing with ZUP files - this is because there is no record in User Setup table in database and you customization (may be US localization) required this setup (for example for checking the allowed posting date etc.)... check this table, not zups. If zup does not exists, Navision will create new one, never will reise error or message (there is only one message about ZUP - Do you want to replace the ZUP file?)...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • stamronstamron Member Posts: 32
    Then why is the user setup table being cleared?
  • SteveOSteveO Member Posts: 164
    Either someone is deleting them or you have a modification that is deleting the records for some reason.
    This isn't a signature, I type this at the bottom of every message
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562

    1) if you have Change Log granule, turn on the logging for this table
    2) check permission to this table and assign rights for modify and delete to users which need them... all others need only read permissions...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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