I've searched the forum and got close to my answer, but I still am having issues. I am trying to add the Outstanding Amount from a Sales Line to a Posted Sales Invoice. I can calculate the amount on the report by subtracting Qty Ordeedr from Qty Shipped, but that will only be correct once.
I'm sure I need to add the Sales Header and Sales Line to the Sale Invoice to get that figure, but just can't figure out the syntax in Visual Studio. I haven't mastered adding a table to an existing report.
If anyone has done this and can provide some detailed instructions(or screenshots), that would be great.
You're reffering to Visual Studio so I guess you're working on NAV 2009 or 2013?
Could be helpful to check out some report design video's on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=report+design+dynamics+nav+2013
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist