Hello everyone,
We are using Navision 3.60 and I noticed some strange differences in table Vendor/Customer between Balance and Balance (LCY) and Amount/Amount(LCY) in Cust./Vendor ledger entries.
They are both reffered to the samae detailed ledger entries, BUT:
In VEndor/Custmer there is table filter for field balance(LCY):
Vendor No.=FIELD(No.),Initial Entry Global Dim. 1=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter),Initial Entry Global Dim. 2=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter),Currency Code=FIELD(Currency Filter)
and in ven./Cust. ledger entries for field amount(LCY) there is table filter:
Vendor Ledger Entry No.=FIELD(Entry No.),Entry Type=FILTER(Initial Entry|Unrealized Loss|Unrealized Gain|Realized Loss|Realized Gain|Payment Discount|'Payment Discount (VAT Excl.)'|'Payment Discount (VAT Adjustment)'|Payment Tolerance|Payment Discount Tolerance|'Payment Tolerance (VAT Excl.)'|'Payment Tolerance (VAT Adjustment)'|'Payment Discount Tolerance (VAT Excl.)'|'Payment Discount Tolerance (VAT Adjustment)'),Posting Date=FIELD(Date Filter) - Filter exits on ENtry type!!! and it excludes some types like "Correction of remaining amount", and that's why on vendor/Customer card there is difference between what i shown in the card and what you see on the list.
Also detailed Trial Balance report will show different amounts from card if certain types of entries occurs
How you solved this? Is this bug, or make any sense???? What abou different version of Navision?
Please answer.
I found this error for example for HF 24:
As you can see, there were some problems in 3.60 with some calculated fields...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
These object are NAVW13.60,L3.05.
In the meantime besides differences between Amount in Ledger Entry tables and Balance in vendor/customer table, there are differences for Debit/Credit Amount in ledger entry table which create calcsums from detailed entry different from "Application". So finally it migh happened that Debit/Credit Amount is different from Amount in ledger Entry tables.
I don't know what's the purpose of this because it might happened that when you watch card you see one balance, and if you watch entries you can see different.
It seems the best to avoid using Amount/Amount (LCY) from ledger entry tables - best way is to go directly on detailed. entry table.
MVP - Dynamics NAV