Mysterious Moving Textboxes in Report Footer

jordi79jordi79 Member Posts: 278
edited 2015-01-12 in NAV Three Tier
Textboxes in report footer seems move in relation with other text boxes. Is there some property I can set so that text boxes are locked in fixed position? If you refer to attached jpeg image, you can see X is a text box that I will SHOW or HIDE based on a certain variable.

But surprisingly, the **Payee Name** text box seems to move horizontally with the "X Text box" position.

This behaviour does not affect other text boxes but only the **Payee Name** text box. I tried deleting and recreating the **Payee Name** text box, but the same thing happens.

Driving me nuts...


  • jordi79jordi79 Member Posts: 278
    The workaround I used is that instead of setting invisible text boxes, I set the value of the textboxes to BLANK or to X. That solved the problem for me. But still, this behaviour is a mystery.
  • TonyDuarteTonyDuarte Member Posts: 92
    You can try to check if there is any box with the property can grow and can shrink set to Yes/True.

    This way to try to keep the textboxes somewhat set to that position.
  • jordi79jordi79 Member Posts: 278
    Hi Tony,

    I did. And both text boxes has this property set to FALSE.
  • jordi79jordi79 Member Posts: 278
    - deleted -
    double post
  • jordi79jordi79 Member Posts: 278
    After playing more with NAV reports for 3 months now, I found out that these "moving" textboxes happens when there are other text boxes set to visible = false. When text boxes are set to invisible, SQL Reports will move other text boxes to fill in the gaps.

    So to prevent this, we just have to insert "filler" text boxes (or rectangle) to fill in gaps where there are text boxes that are set to visible = false.

    You can see examples of this in standard NAV Sales Invoice reports, whereby the developers used filler rectangles to fill in gaps for company logos.
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