NAV 2015 App connection problem

clarasdkclarasdk Member Posts: 46
edited 2015-08-14 in NAV Three Tier

I have installed the new NAV 2015 on my Surface 3 and the Chronus demo is running fine.

I can run the web version of the app in a browser no problem. However, I cannot seem to make it Work in the app version.

As far as I can see on MSDN I need to have the web version running with HTTPS so I have made a self-signed certificate for that and I am running the page on port 8081. This also works fine from the browser but still not in the app....

For the web browser I can access the page with https://Computername:8081/DynamicsNAV80 ... ablet.aspx
What should I enter in the service name for the app?

Has anybody made the app version Work with the dynamicsnav80 demo installation and can help me with some tips?


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    In Directions in US, they mentioned that it needs to have a valid certificate. It doesn't work with self signed certificates. You have to purchase a valid certificate.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • clarasdkclarasdk Member Posts: 46
    ara3n wrote:
    In Directions in US, they mentioned that it needs to have a valid certificate. It doesn't work with self signed certificates. You have to purchase a valid certificate.

    Hmmm Even for a local demo? Ok.... Will have to investigate that. Does not make setting up a demo maschine any easier....
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 924
    For an Android tablet you can try this method along the lines shown here using a self-signed certificate for CACert:
    One of our members on got the app working that way.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    For demo purposes, you can just open a browser on a tablet and enter the address.

    Use Http instead of Https.

    The NAV App is basically a browser.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • clarasdkclarasdk Member Posts: 46
    ara3n wrote:
    For demo purposes, you can just open a browser on a tablet and enter the address.

    Use Http instead of Https.

    The NAV App is basically a browser.

    I know I have that up and running all ready.

    I do not like going out to a customer telling about all the new cool features of NAV 2015 including the APP and then I have to show it in a browser. No matter what I say, the customer will think that either the app is not working or that it is very complicated to setup. Worst case even both. That is the general outcome I aim for when demoing the system. I have a nice Surface pro 3 with everything running, NAV, our vertical, all client types etc. and that make a killer demo.

    I found this on msdn that I will investigate a little more today: ... 5(v=nav.80).aspx

    In the text, they link to a section about creating self-signed security certificates so it must be somehow possible.

    It also seems that someone has made it Work on Android also...
  • tinoruijstinoruijs Member Posts: 1,226
    clarasdk wrote:
    It also seems that someone has made it Work on Android also...

    Yesterday I saw a live-demo of the tablet-client on an Ipad. Worked nice!

    Tino Ruijs
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
  • clarasdkclarasdk Member Posts: 46
    tinoruijs wrote:
    clarasdk wrote:
    It also seems that someone has made it Work on Android also...

    Yesterday I saw a live-demo of the tablet-client on an Ipad. Worked nice!

    I am pretty sure that it Works nice on IOS, Android and Windows Surface.

    My problem is to make it work with a self-signed certificate (at least I think that is the problem, but could be something else alltogether). Therefore I am looking for somebody who has the app up and running on the chronus demo.....
  • tinoruijstinoruijs Member Posts: 1,226
    I hope I can soon share my positive experience with the app, because I want to demonstrate the app next week. #fingerscrossed :)

    Tino Ruijs
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
  • Yogi1983Yogi1983 Member Posts: 22
    Anyone found a solution for this already? I'm very curious if it's possible to get some "demo" certificate or something like that.
  • clarasdkclarasdk Member Posts: 46
    Not yet. I am going to EMEA directions next week, so I hope to find some Microsoft brains to pick. If nothing else to get a clear statement if it is possible or not....
  • gedasgedas Member Posts: 87
    Self-signed certificates works in windows tablets - run mmc and import certificate to root folder.
    However for Android and Apple required "real" certificates.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    here is a how to for self singed certs. ... icate.aspx
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • clarasdkclarasdk Member Posts: 46
    Yea it is nice that they posted this link :) Had a good talk with Microsoft today at EMEA directions and they have heard alot of questions on this topic so that was why they did the post.

    They are also looking into making it possible to let the app accept normal HTTP webservices if the web service is running on the sam maschine as the app. So that it is possible to do a demo setup on a surface pro where everything is running on one box. I hope they make that work as it would make things alot easier :)
  • shepardassocshepardassoc Member Posts: 25
    I'm in the same boat. I've got everything setup and running but just can't get the self-signed cert. to work with the app. I've been hammering on it for a week and just don't seem to be getting anywhere. I guess it's time to pony up and pay for a full cert.

    Brandon Weber
    NAV Developer
  • MikeBC_[MSFT]MikeBC_[MSFT] Member, Microsoft Employee Posts: 3
    Thankyou for sharing your experiences and concerns.
    I would like clarify app connectivity:

    For testing or demoing of the app, self-signed certificates can be used. These are free but require some additional effort as they must be installed to each device. I highly recommend following instructions on our recent blog post here. If you still encounter issues, make sure you are entering the correct service URL in the app ([url=https://]https://[/url]<yourServer>/<yourWebServerInstance>), and have correctly configured your Dynamics NAV web server to use the certificate. If your server is not configured with default SSL port 443, make sure you specify your custom port number as <yourServer>:<portNumber> in the URL.

    In production, I recommend customers purchase a wildcard certificate from a publicly trusted certificate issuer. By doing this, the certificate can be deployed to the Dynamics NAV web server(s) and all devices are ready to connect to it securely with no additional effort. If you want low-effort and a great user experience, this is the way to go. Most apps you use today which connect to some service do the same. Think of any web shop you have visited recently: this most likely had an https address, did not display a certificate warning, and did not require you to install any certificate to complete your purchase; your NAV users expect that same experience.

    best regards,
    Mike Borg Cardona
    Program Manager, Dynamics NAV
  • shepardassocshepardassoc Member Posts: 25
    Thanks Mike.

    I did get the self-signed cert to work on windows tablets. The one key is to follow the instructions from the NAV Blog Mike mentions in the previous post. Also a big piece to the puzzle that should be highlighted, when added the cert to the tablet make sure you install it for the local machine. When creating the cert using the instructions from the NAV Blog you will see one of the parameters states –StoreLocation LocalMachine. Export the cert via the instructions, copy it to the tablet desktop, right click on the cert and select Install Certificate, install it for the local machine to the trusted root auth. I also installed the cert again and selected the personal certificate just to be sure.

    Hope this helps.

    Brandon Weber
    NAV Developer
  • stefangstefang Member Posts: 11
    Has anyone managed to get a self-signed certificate working with iOS? I have been trying to follow the instructions on the NAV Team Blog, everything works fine in a browser but the App is no working on iOs?

    Stefán Georgsson
    NAV developer / consultant
  • PrebenRasmussenPrebenRasmussen Member Posts: 137
    Yes, a self-signed certificate works fine for me in iOS (iPAD) using the all new APP.
    I created the certificate on my laptop and then send it to the iPAD by mail.

    IF you were to try the exact same URL (https://hostname/DynamicsNAV80/WebClient) in the browser of the iPAD...
    1 What error do you get?
    2 Does it ask for credentials?
    3 Does it warn about certificate?
  • dave_cdave_c Member Posts: 46
    Has anyone else found these connection issues are fixed by connecting to the web server from another machine? We've got two demo machines setup here A and B. The app on A can connect to the server on B and the app on B can connect to the server on A. But A cannot connect to A and B cannot connect to B. If anyone has seen and fixed a similar issue I would be very interested as it would be nice to be able to demo the app with only one machine!
  • stefangstefang Member Posts: 11
    I have created a self certificate, mailed to my ipad and installed there. When I open the exact same path on the browser (Safari) I get a question, "The identity of the server can not be verified... CANCEL, DETAILS, CONTINUE". This happens even though I have installed the certificate on the ipad.

    Of course, if I press Continue in Safari, I have suppressed the warning.

    But I guess there is smt wrong with my certificate, I just cant figure out what it is. The certificate is for my pc <your site name> = my_pc
    in: New-SelfSignedCertificateEx –Subject “CN=<your site name>” –IsCA $true –Exportable –StoreLocation LocalMachine –StoreName My

    Should it rather be my_pc/dynamicsnav80/webclient ?
  • PrebenRasmussenPrebenRasmussen Member Posts: 137
    No. you must not include folder names in the CommonName.
    Use either the netbios name of your computer or the FQDN if you are joined to a domain.

    Check that the certificate is listed in Settings/General/Profiles on the iPad and that is is confirmed (must be green text).
    If you have added several certificates. Delete them all and retry everything from scratch.
    Same thing with your Windows machine. Delete duplicate entries in Personal and Root stores.
    Check that the certificate is added to both Personal and Root on you machine.
    Check that the certificate is still added to the website https binding.
    Check that the same URL in a browser on your Windows machine is working without a red background in the address box.
  • Iqbal_FebrianoIqbal_Febriano Member Posts: 66
    I'm still getting "Could not connect" error message when trying the app to connect to localhost, am I missing something ? I run standard demo installation on my Surface Pro and already produced and installed the certificate as guided in the msdn blog

    Thanks in advance
    Be fast, be straight, be quiet
  • PrebenRasmussenPrebenRasmussen Member Posts: 137
    Check that the exact same URL in a browser on your Surface Pro machine is working without a red background in the address box?
  • Iqbal_FebrianoIqbal_Febriano Member Posts: 66
    The certificate is deemed valid (no red bar on the address box) for both the web client and tablet.aspx
    Be fast, be straight, be quiet
  • PrebenRasmussenPrebenRasmussen Member Posts: 137
    Are you using netbios name or fqdn?
    Try localhost instead if you run everything on the same box.
    Try SHA256 algorithm and 2048 key length.
  • Iqbal_FebrianoIqbal_Febriano Member Posts: 66
    I already tried using localhost and netbios name, and I don't think using fqdn will help either, and I believe it's not just me who experience trouble when trying connecting via NAV App in the same box. I have no problem when connecting to other machine, nor do others when connecting to my computer
    Be fast, be straight, be quiet
  • PrebenRasmussenPrebenRasmussen Member Posts: 137
    Are the others using the same type of equipment/windows to connect?
  • jamesliangtwjamesliangtw Member Posts: 2
    Hi Mike,
    Do I need to open the 7047 SSL checkbox when I use the App ? and how to find out the "Web Server Instance" name ?
    For example, I install all in my surface pro 3, does the Web Server Instance is this pro 3 name ?

  • jamesliangtwjamesliangtw Member Posts: 2
    Another question, I can use iPad Safari to open https://***.***.com/DynamicsNAV80.WebClient after install certificate file,
    In Nav APP of iPad. in Service name, I type in https://***.***.com/DynamicsNAV80 , but get "Could not connect to the server". does anybody can help ?
  • JaanaJaana Member Posts: 28
    Hi all,

    If you have followed the certification process and you can successfully log into the tablet site via a normal browser

    but you still get a connect to the tablet via

    with a connection error try this script in cmd (I ran as administrator but am not sure if that is required)

    CheckNetIsolation.exe LoopbackExempt -a -n=microsoft.dynamicsnav_8wekyb3d8bbwe

    There is an issue if you have installed all components on your device and this will solve it. This should be solved in CU1
    Now - I still got an issue afterwards... I don't get the connection error anymore but for some reason the tablet client asks for authentication even tough my service is set to windows authentication (which works with all other clients). When I enter credentials the tablet client goes crazy flashing and I have to kill the task and delete the password information from windows.

    Anyone who can try to get past that point?

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