Imagine, user needs reminder about not matching field value when he opens form/page with possibly incorrect data.
He is asked if he would like to change value to correct one. But he still has possibility to refuse suggestion because he does not need to change value.
How it is supposed to work: on the form/page in the trigger OnAfterGetRecord() or OnAfterGetCurrRecord() we call checking procedure which should change value to correct in case user agrees with suggestion.
What happens in real life - user does see changed value on the form/page but real data is not changed.
My question is the following: Did I miss something?
To illustrate test case I have created 2 tables and one form (NAV 2009, but same principle does not work even in 2013R2)
Field No. Field Name Data Type Length
1 keyfield Code 10 <-- PK
2 description Text 50
3 check code Code 10 <-- this field is compared to
Field No. Field Name Data Type Length
1 line no. Integer <-- PK
2 master code Code 10 <-- table relation to First Table
3 description Text 50
4 check code Code 10 <-- this field is compared
IF master.GET("master code") THEN
IF "check code" <> first."check code" THEN
IF CONFIRM('First has check code %1\slave has check code %2\do you want to change slave''s code to master''s?',
FALSE,master."check code","check code") THEN
"check code" := master."check code";
I filled Master table with the following data:
keyfield description check code
C10 smth1 01
C20 smth2 01

Also I filled Slave table with the following data:
line no. master code description check code
10000 C10 here nothing happens 01
20000 C20 here something wrong 02

Now, when I run form which shows records on Slave table, I see the following:

Nothing happens, because
check code on master and slave are identical
Now I press PgDn and second record comes, which have non-identical check code on master and slave tables:

When I agree to change and press Yes, I see the following:

See? looks like check code now equals master's...
Here comes BUT: when I switch to another record and back / close form and open again / whatsoever I get confirmation dialog again! Why? Did not I change value already?

When I add in the code any kind of MODIFY or CurrForm.Update I get an error:

What I missed?
It is hard to swim against self bloodstream... (c) Old, experienced kamikadze.
You won't see any permanent changes unless you apply MODIFY, and that can't be done at this stage.
The old error message used to say something like "You cannot make any changes from this trigger" which was a lot more helpful.
Move your code to some later stage in the chain of events and it will work
Good luck!
Main task is to notify user about mismatching values in check code when he opens form/page with existing record or sees another record.
Actual code has assigning matching check code on slave table, but it can be different from master's one. This happens rarely and is not usual practice, that's why user is asked if he wants to change to "normal" value.
I am afraid this task cannot be solved this manner and has to be changed to just show user message "mismatching values" and he will press some button to change values actually.
Thanks for answers.