Permissions on tables

MeriMeri Member Posts: 29

Can anybody explain why a user which has permission only to read vendors and doesn't have permission to insert, modify or delete in vendor table is able to change vendors' names and addresses :?:



  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    Did you check in other Permission Sets which assigned to user has permissions to modify and delete?
  • Torben_R.Torben_R. Member Posts: 99
    If the user has the right to modify contacts (RM-CONT, EDIT), the user has indirect rights to modify the vendor.
  • MeriMeri Member Posts: 29
    First, thanks for Your replay.

    The user doesn't have the permission for edit of contacts (RM-CONT, EDIT) and I have checked all the permission sets - he have permission only to read vendor table and not to modify or delete.

    What is not clear for me is that the user cannot change the vendor no. for example (you do not have permission to edit vendor table error appears) but he can change name and address with no problem.

    I though maybe these fields are "free for changing" by default (standard in NAV) or if I do something wrong and I cannot see it.

  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    Just rechecked with NAV 2009 R2 classic. Everything works as expected. Expected is: Allowed is what explicitly is granted access to, using permissions. No hidden default permissions.

    What version and what client type are you on?

    I used just a minimal setup assigning a user only the ALL roll and a new role granting read access to tabledata 18 Customer and 97 Comment Line as well as indirect read to tabledata 379 Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry
  • MeriMeri Member Posts: 29
    I have just repeat your scenario only for Vendor.

    I gave to the user ALL permission, read access to Vendor and Comment Line and indirect read to Detailed Vendor Ledger Entry. Still the user can change the Vendor Names and Addresses. :|

    Then I repeat it for customer and it's the same. :|

    The client version is Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1.

  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    Can the user actually save the modifications to the database or just modify the values on the Form/Page without saving?
    Is the user a Windows user? If so, are there any permissions assigned to a windows group the user is a member of? (I don't know how NAV behaves in a scenario like that.)
  • MeriMeri Member Posts: 29
    I just checked again and I realized that the users can only modify values on the form and cannot save the modifications.

    Thanks very much. :lol:

    This is resolved.

    Best Regards,
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