fields automatically retrieved when inserting other field

andr3wandr3w Member Posts: 2
Hi all,

I started NAV just a month ago so now i have self-task to make page connected to Customer List (I already done that) but now i must make this Description, Unit Price and Service Item Group fields automatically retrieved when inserting Item No

please tell me how to do this in detailed way

P.S It must be done without CAL code and i guess that i must use Flowfield and CalcFormula


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    You need to set up the CalcFormula using method Lookup on table Item. You establish the link from your field to the item table using the filter section of the CalcFormula.

    Without programming, the calculated fields will not update immediately after you enter the item no. You will have to manually update the form. This is a presentation issue only, because CALCFIELDS is carried out automatically only on fetching the record from the db.

    As an example you may have a look at the Report Name field in table 77 Report Selections.
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