hello guys,
I have to modify a text file (for example : pippo.xml).
I need to change a raw in the file
TestoFile2 := '<Prestazione xmlns:xsi="
http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="file:./xsd/A/A40_0050.xsd" cod_servizio="A40" cod_flusso="0050">'
<Prestazione FileRicevutoVendita="file:./xsd/A/A40_0050.xsd" cod_servizio="A40" cod_flusso="0050">
Actualy I have used the sentence below to replace the raw FROM -> TO
Pos := STRPOS(TestoFile2,'xmlns');
FileXml2.WRITE(PADSTR('FileRicevutoVendita="file:./xsd/A/A40_0050.xsd" cod_servizio="A40" cod_flusso="0050">', STRLEN(TestoFile2) - (Pos - 1)));
But don't Work, this is the result. :
'<Prestazione FileRicevutoVendita="file:./xsd/A/A40_0050.xsd" cod_servizio="A40" cod_flusso="0050"> '
I don't want the blank spaces after ">". The question is : IS A POSSIBLE TO REPLACE ALL RAW WITH A NAVISION'S KEYWORD?
I need to have this result :
<Prestazione FileRicevutoVendita="file:./xsd/A/A40_0050.xsd" cod_servizio="A40" cod_flusso="0050">
without blank spaces.