Object compare and merge

kenlkenl Member Posts: 182
Hello all,

Is there any good way (tool and practise) to compare objects ?

Any good way to merge objects? (Table/Form/Report/Dataport) ?



  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Base compare is date, time and version, if you want to merge it, I can recommand for example Araxis merge tool, which is able to merge three files (for example base version, customer version and new version) and you can transfer modifications between the code. It is text compare - you are comparing text files with exported objects. Standard tool for this is Navision Developer tool (NDT), but it had some problems in the history and I do not know if all is ok now (and it is a small black box where you not know, what it is doing for you...) in some text compare and merge tool you have full control over the process, but you must know, what are you doing (you can search mibuso for NDT, Araxis, Merge etc. to find more)...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • aleix1979aleix1979 Member Posts: 213
    Hi there,

    A very plain and straightforward tool is the Beyond Compare which is free in the internet. Compares plain text files and is useful for merging functionality.
    Navision Developer
  • csimoneauxcsimoneaux Member Posts: 168
    I like the Navision Developers Tool Kit. I used it in the last upgrade I did and it was very helpful.
  • aciaci Member Posts: 41
    You could use this feature-rich, free, and open source tool:


    You may want to rename your files to *.pas so the tool could apply syntax coloring to your code. C/AL almost have the same syntax as Delphi(Formally Turbo Pascal for Windows). Try the following command from Command Prompt or find a batch rename tool:

    ren *.txt *.pas

    The tool takes in 2 folders, and compares all files, including binary files, but you have to export your objects as text to see the differences.
  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    three-way compare and merge tool is recommended. Only tool I know and heavily use is Araxis Merge (like Kine already proposed ...).

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    I would like to see full reviews of these different programs, with screenshots of how it looks and how you work with them. I'd be willing to do one for CodeWright (although I am still using version 5.something... don't laugh please)...
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    I use codewright as well but version 7.5.
    The big advantages for 7.5 is that you can do manual inline changes (copy paste), which older version did not allow.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Anyone try this :?:


    i'm also interested in it's......

    In the Mergetool is now included an application to create Online Help for Navision 3.xx and 4.xx. This application use Word as editor and a no RoboHelp is required to compile the help.
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