I am currently looking for a solution for the following problems.
Can anyone help me out with this..
When i look on the net the o,ly thing i can find is to export or create mail out of navision.
The way around -> import no info available. Therefore i call you for help ...
1) Import and read mails from a specific directory configured in Outlook
2) put mail data & info in navision tables
3) If attachments in the mail: -> write attachments to a "parameterized folder"
4) Save mail as blob fomat in the navision environment - so that later the original mail can still be geopened.
5) Move mail in Outlook to another folder / or deleted in Outlook
The intention is that the NAS every x minutes check whether emails have arrived .. process and then moved to another folder.
[Non-English text removed by Administrator]
is this still an issue for you, or did you find a solution in the meantime?
We developped exactly what you were asking